Pharaonic era: Dynasties from 1:31

Pharaonic era: Dynasties from 1:31

Egypt's oldest blogger in the history of the world, and ancient Egyptian history is divided into comprehensive eras: prehistoric and historic era II.
In the era before history began the stability of the Egyptian first in the valley of the Nile (about 6000 BC). Once defined agriculture, and enjoyed his animal, and settled in small communities cooperating, Transportation civilization and formed in Egypt two, Delta and Upper Egypt is to broadcast that united year 3100 BC. M . Under a central authority headed by the Pharaoh and that was thanks to (MENA) unified the two countries.

In the historical era known as the second writing and crystallized manifestations of religion and art, and historical era is divided into 30 families and the ownership of three countries, Egypt enjoyed a strong central government which also went through periods of decay and disintegration can be summarized as follows:

Archaic period: includes families 1.2 Adoption of an era of political unity and lay the foundations of Egyptian civilization on solid foundations.

Old state: It includes families of 3-6 (about 2690-2180 BC). An era full of Homeland Security, where Egypt was able to reach its peak in the science of medicine, astronomy, engineering, an era builders of the pyramids.

Followed by the Old Age of Diminished family reunification of 70-10 (about 2180-2060 BC). There was a moment's uncle turmoil and chaos descended art, but literature flourished. And enable the warlords to unify the country in a good second to play.

Central State: include from 11-14 (about 2060-1710 BC).
Kings and interested foreign policy, and took over Lower Nubia and carried out massive irrigation projects.
The era of decay and the second includes the dynastic 15-17 (about 1710-1560 BC). Signed by Egypt under the Hyksos occupation. To enable the warlords of a good editor and their sincere thanks to such Seqenenre Kamose and his sons Ahmose and then these are considered the founders of the modern state.

The modern state or Empire: Includes Dynasties 18-20 (ca. 1580-1085 BC). And during the extended Egypt's sovereignty in northern Syria and Mesopotamia to the fourth cataract in Sudan, and was good as the capital of this empire, and there built the great temples and the finest cemeteries. This was followed by the era of decay and the third includes families 21-25 (about 1085-663 BC). The rule of the kings of the country of origin, including Libby and Shashank Iokoris and others out of the best known Nubian Ienky.
Also conquered by the Assyrians and the Egyptians rose in revolt liberated the country from their control led Psammetik the first who established the family 26 (about 663-529 BC). And go back to Egypt and began its Renaissance .. Then the Persians conquered the country and managed some strong personalities in the expulsion, but they returned throughout the dynastic period 27-30. The end date of the Pharaohs when Alexander the Great conquered Egypt and the expulsion of the Persians 332 BC. M.
The following are the names of rulers, the Pharaohs on the dynastic historical distributors and the dates of these dynasties as the most likely words:
Covenant, the second of about 3100 to 2690 BC:

Family First:
- Nrmer (MENA)
- Aha
- Ghent (drag)
- Jet (and allergic)
- And Damon (Den - characteristic of)
- Adj Abe (Anzib)
- Snmo
- Qa

Second Dynasty:
- These kings hotep
- Neb Ra
- Ne Winter
- Or Ng (Awad anagrams)
- Cindy
- Brayb age (Ka-Nefer-Ra)
- Ja Sekhem
- Kha These kings
- Dja Dja

Old state
Age of the Pyramids builders
Of about 2690-2180 BC. M
Start the beginning of the Old Third Dynasty and ending the sixth family, have been usually the pharaohs in this era of the construction of the pyramids near the palaces have reached the country's unity and completeness in this Covenant, the Covenant and the advantage of this rapid development of architecture and construction, sculpture and engraving.

Third Dynasty:
- Djoser:
Known as the architect of the Step Pyramid at Saqqara.
- Sankht
- Kha Pa
- Nfrcka
- Ho (Hony)

Fourth Dynasty:
- Bent
- Cheops: the architect of the Great Pyramid in Giza
- Ddv Ra
- F-Kha-Ra (Chephren): the architect of the second pyramid at Giza
- Menkaure: a builder of smaller pyramid at Giza
- Cbskaf
- Betrayed Cao S

Fifth Dynasty:
- Userkaf (Air Maat)
- Saho Ra
- Nefer Air Kreet (USSR Khao Cocoa)
- Cbiska Ra
- F-Nefer-Ra
- Ne Oosrra
- From Khao Hor
- Ka-Ra Asesy very (very Khao)
- Unas: the owner of the pyramid known by his south-west of the pyramid of Djoser.

Sixth Dynasty:
- Teti
- USSR Ka Ra
- Pepi I (one more time Ra)
- One more time that Ra (Anty M SA F)
- Pepi II (Ka-Nefer-Ra)

End of the Old
The first era of the first transition
Of 2180 to 2060 BC. M:
Families from the seventh to tenth centuries of feudalism and then a decay that led to the deterioration of social and economic, followed by social revolution .. The literature flourished in this era.
Family VII: Unknown names of the kings of this family or extended their rule.
Family Eight: unknown names of the kings of this family on the face of uncertainty.
Family IX: the kings of this family are Ahnasia Khitty and his family
Family X: the kings of this family is well known names on the face of uncertainty, including:
- Ka-Nefer-Ra
- Or Kha Ra
- One more time Ka-Ra

The era of the Central
Of from 2060 to 1785 BC. M

Eleventh Dynasty: - ensure Tawi (Intef I)
- Uah Ankh (Intef II)
- Takht-Neb has welcomed a group (Intef III)
- Sank Abe Tawi (Mentuhotep I)
- Nebhepetre (Mentuhotep II)
- Kro Neb Ra (Montuhotep III)
- Sank Kreet (Mentuhotep IV)
- Neb Ra Tawi (Mentuhotep V)

Twelfth Dynasty:
The beginning of a golden age and a return to stability and the rulers of this family are:
- Amenemhat I (Sanb Ip Ra)
- Senusret I (Ka-Ra News)
- Amenemhat II (Bonn Khao Ra)
- Senusret II (Kha-Ra News)
- Senusret III (Kha Khao Ra)
- Amenemhat III (Ni-Maat-Ra)
- Amenemhat IV (Shiny Kro-Re)
- Casting Neferure

The era of the Second Intermediate
From 1785 to 1580 BC. M

And includes families from the thirteenth to seventeenth returned chaos prevail again and disrupted things a era of decay, and the era of occupation of the Hyksos, characterized by the end of this era the evolution of technique Military and the emergence of chariots, leading to a decisive victory in what is considered the first war of liberation major in world history When enabled, Ahmose expelled the Hyksos after the occupation lasted for almost 150 years.
And as long as this five times in about 210 families a year with the following detail:

Two families the thirteenth and fourteenth sessions: from 1785 to 1710 BC. M
- Khoo Tawi-Ra (and dry)
- Sekhem Ka Ra
- IP Sank Ra (Amenemhat security Intef)
- Five of Ra Scd Tawi (Sobek or F-Sa) I
- Casting the first Hotep
- Five of Ra Khoo Tawi (Casting Hotep) II
- The co Ka Ra over the (radioactive)
- Five of Ra Khoo Tawi (Casting Hotep) III
- Five of Tawi Ankh Ra
- Sch Kha Ra (Nafer Hotep I)
- Saanhor
- Kha Nefer-Ra (Casting Hotep) IV
- Kha Ankh Ra (Casting Hotep) V
- Kha Hotep Ra (Casting Hotep) VI
- Uah Ip Ra (Aya Abe)
- Over the Nefer-Ra (IE)
- Over the Ra Hotep (Casting Hotep) VII
- Over the Khao Ra (Casting Hotep) VIII
- Knzer
- Five of Khao Ra and Ads (Sobek M SA F) II
- Amenemhat Casting Hotep
- Over the Ra Sekhem (Nafer Hotep) II
- Five of Ra (milk Tawi Dhoty)
- Five of a group Khao Ra (and boat or F-Sa)
- Five of Uah Khao Ra (Ra Hotep)
- Five of Ra Khoo Tawi (Ben discourage)
- DD Nefer-Ra (Deddew Moses)
- DD Ra Hotep (Deddew Moses)
- DD Ankh (Monto M SA F)
- Nhsy

Have varied menus with each other and thus historians disagree among themselves on the names of some of the kings of other (about 30 owned by others) in these two families Gmta about a hundred years and demonstrates that the short periods ruled by each king, which led to the disintegration and degradation, and paved the way for the invasion of the Hyksos.

Invasion of the Hyksos:
Began to enter the Hyksos kings ruling at the end of the Fourth Dynasty and the Hyksos ten people who had come from the east and built their capital in the eastern Delta in Aoraris was not south of the country under their control. The princes of the south and send them tribute. He stayed the Hyksos in northern Egypt nearly a century and a half decades until it had been forcibly expelled by the rulers of the South who were able to establish a strong army and fight against them and expel them and smashed all that is related to them nothing even be erased their memory of the souls and do not leave them the memory of that, the names of kings do not arrangement can be arranged historically uncertain will mention below the names of 23 families through the property of the fifteenth and sixteenth from 1710 to 1680 BC. m:
- A Osor Ra
- Neb Ra Bc
- Aguenn Ra
- Smcn
- Suffered hr
- Khiem
- Eight kings of the basement themselves the title of the good god
- Six dubbed themselves the kings of the title Son of the Sun
- Aguen
- Participated
- Avivi

The continued rule of these kings about 150 years has helped the presence of the Hyksos to make of the Egyptian people for the first time in its history, people and victorious warrior for freedom. The effect of this was that started this went beyond the limits of military force Vokhadda neighboring countries. Egypt has started a revolution against the Hyksos princes of Thebes Dynasty XVII:

The most important kings of the family-seventh session: of 1680: 1580. M - A Ta
- A large Ta
- Ta A coop (ie, A brave Ta) (Seqenenre)
- Kamose (and is very news-Ra)

Has begun to struggle against the Hyksos from King Seqenenre which is likely he was killed on the battlefield, followed by his son Kamose in his war against the Hyksos and perhaps the other was killed in the battle, but he left a brother completed a letter to the fullest Ahmose is the first king of the Eighteenth Dynasty.

The era of the modern state - Empire
Of 1580 to 1085 BC. M

Eighteenth Dynasty: of 1580 to 1314 BC. M
After the war of liberation entered Egypt in the process of great wars. Kings began to war on Asia and opened Palestine and Syria, until they reached the Euphrates River and south until the fourth cataract in Sudan. And established the kings of this family such as the massive temples of Karnak and Luxor and lived in the country's brightest manifestations of luxury and art, science and commerce ... King Akhenaton and later at the end of this family, a religious coup Abdel sun disk and no other symbol of the unification of the gods in one God is strong.

And transfer the capital from Thebes to Amarna, but the roar of his brother, Tutankhamun, who changed his name later to Tutankhamun, returned to the old religion and the ancient capital. The transfer of power after that to the family 19 .. And the kings of the family, 18 are:
- Ahmose I (accommodation of Neb-Re)
- Amenhotep I (g mystery Ka Ra)
- Thutmose I (A Ka-Ra News)
- Tuthmosis II. (A news that Ra)
- Khnam Amun Hatshepsut. (What's signed Ka Ra)
- Tuthmosis III (the news of Ra)
- Amenhotep II (A kheprew Ra)
- Tuthmosis IV (Kg Khao) (from kheprew Ra)
- Amenhotep III (Nimoria) (Neb Maat Ra)
- Amenhotep IV (Navarre kheprew - Ra Ra - The Ra) (Akhenaten)
- Ka Sa-Ra (Ra Ka effort secret kheprew g) (the co Ka Ra)
- Tut Ankh Aten - Toon Tutankhamun (Neb Ra kheprew)
- IPhone (News kheprew Ra) (Air Maat)
- Hur or love - a flexible Amon (g mystery kheprew Ra)

Nineteenth Dynasty: of 1314 to 1200 BC. M - Ramses I (from the accommodation of Ra)
- Seti I (City Steering Ptah) (of Maat-Ra)
- Ramses II (Mery Security) (the secret of Maat Ra) (Ra that step)
- Steering Ptah (Ba to Ra) (Mery Amun). (Calculated free Maat)
- Amon messes (of Maat Ra) (Ra that step)
- Petah-moon Sptah (brother to Ra) (Ra that step)
- Second City (City Steering Ptah) (walk kheprew Ra)
- Ramses Sptah
- Stk Nakht (scroll Ra) (the secret of Khao Ra) (Ra that step)
Ramses X (news Maat Ra) (Ra that step)
- Ramses atheist ten (of Maat Ra) (step that Ptah)

Twenty-family: from 1200 to 1085 BC. M
- Ramses III (the secret of Maat Ra) (over Amon)
- Ramses IV (to secure step) (the secret of Maat Ra) (Mery Amun)
- Ramses V (USSR Maat Ra) (Ra scoffed at that)
- Ramses VI (Neb Maat Ra) (Meri secure)
- Ramses VII (USSR Ma'at-Ra) (Meri secure)
- Ramses VIII (USSR Maat Ra) (brother to secure)
- Ramses IX (Ka-Nefer-Ra) (Ra that step).

The era of the last decay
Of 1085 BC. M to 332 BC. M
Ramesses was nine the last two kings of the weak caused the fall of the Twentieth Dynasty and the beginning of the last era of decay of the family-first and twenty to thirty-first family, which ended with Alexander the Great's invasion of Egypt .. During this era Empire broke away from the camps in the north and south and the greed of the Libyan neighbors, they ruled the land some time, then each to families Nubian, and the greed of the Persians Vaanloha Finally, Egypt has signed in the hands of Alexander.

Twenty-first family: of 1085 to 950 BC. M
- Nsopndd (Sondos)
- Harihor
- I Kno Bsib
- Bay Nzm first
- Amnm Shepenwepet
- Sia Moon
- Bsib Kno II

Twenty-Second Dynasty: 950 to 730 BC. M
In the family during the reign of the twenty-first Libyans managed to extend their influence on the Lower peaceful migration, an increase of Libyan soldiers mercenaries in the Egyptian army.
With the increasing weakness of the State Dynasty 21 increased the influence of the Libyans so as to enable them to seize power for himself "Chnq" and thus the foundations of the rule of the family twenty-second, and the kings of this family are:
- Chnq first
- Or the first Sarkn
- Ta Clute first
- Or Sarkn II
- Chnq II
- Taklot II
- Chnq III
- Pa Mai
- Chnq IV.

Twenty-Third Dynasty: of 817 to 730 BC. M
- Paddy Bassett
- Chnq V
- Or Sarkn III
- Ta Clute III
- Amnrod
- Or the fourth Sarkn

Twenty-Fourth Dynasty: 730 to 715 BC. M - TAV Nakht (pyramid of Ra)
- Back in the ring F (Uah Ka Ra) - well known among the Greeks as: Bokoris

Twenty-Fifth Dynasty: King Nubian Bange able to seize the Upper Egypt and then tracing the course of the Nile to the Delta Vokhadda princes and the foundations of the Nubian rule of this family are:
- Bange (from the News-Re)
- Nets (Nafer Ka Ra)
- Sheba Ta Ka (a very Khao Ra)
- Tehrq (Nafer been Kho Ra)
Ta - to come and secure (Ka Ba Ra)

Twenty-Sixth Dynasty: of 663 to 525 BC. M
The Egyptians expelled the kings of Nubia and arrested on the reins with the help of the Greeks, and the foundations of Psammetik first family of 26, during which trade with the Greeks recovered .. At the end of the rule of this family fell into the hands of Egypt, King of Persia Qkbez year 252 BC. M and the rulers of this family are: - Psammetik I (Uah Ip Ra)
- NCAA II (the car, Ip Ra)
- Psammetik II (Nefer-Ra Ip)
- Uah Ip Ra (Ra Ha Ip)
- Ahmose Sanit (Khanom Ip Ra)
- Psammetik III (Ni-Ankh Ka Ra)

Twenty-seventh of the family: from 525 BC. M to 404 BC. M
Open the Persians and ruled Egypt nearly 124 years and the kings of this family from the Persians and they are:
- Kambiz
- Darius I
- Islands many cases the first
- Artkzr many cases the first
- YOS House II

Twenty-eighth of the family: of 404 to 398 BC. M
King of Egypt and one struggled through six years was able to wrest power from the Persians, is the princess, a ruling by this family.

Twenty-ninth of the family: of 398 to 378 BC. M and kings are:
- Ao Naif Road (Nfrtis) (Ba to Ra Mrnthero)
- Abandoned (Khnam Maat-Ra)
- Bassamot (walk step that Ptah Ra)
- Naif Road Ao II (Nfrtis)

Thirty-family: of 378 to 341 BC. The kings are:
- Nqtanb first
- Find a free (goats)
- Nakht free love (Nqtanb II)
Under the rulers of this family in the wars with the Persians, who always managed to grab it again in another era rulers and founded the family-first and thirty-but their rule did not last long this time has gone with the opening of Alexander to Egypt.

Thirty-first family: from 341 to 333 BC. M and kings are: - SOS Artkzr III (Aujos)
- Arciss
- Dar YOS III (Koduman)

And ending of this family. And end this era of Egyptian history of Alexander's invasion of Egypt.