The discovery of the most significant impact of the Egyptian language after the Rosetta Stone
An official at the Egyptian Antiquities Organization, have been found on the plate like the Rosetta Stone, discovered by two hundred years and has contributed to deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, during a mission the effects of Egyptian excavations south of the capital Cairo, Egypt.
Said Sabri Abdel Aziz, Director of the pharaohs in the Supreme Council of Antiquities, "The stone of length 220 cm and width 170 cm, and consists of 21 lines written in hieroglyphs, 17 lines Balheiratiqip a language derived from the ancient Egyptian language. Have been found on the stone during a mission the effects of Egyptian excavations in the ancient quarries in the area of the governorate of Sohag Alkhazindarip south of the capital Cairo, Egypt.
The painting contains a royal decree issued by Ptolemy III (250 BC), containing information about political conflicts, the Greek rulers of Syria in that period as well as political and social information.
The painting surmounted by the winged sun disk, and beneath the god Mbt and Oajpt in the form of serpentine Cobra, wearing one of the crown of Upper Egypt and the second crown of Lower Egypt, and the bottom view of the gods Isis and Osiris and Horus, and complete view of the fact that (Maine) god of the region to provide Ptolemy III and his wife to the trinity of gods.
Sabri said that the painting is the most important discovery in regard to language of ancient Egyptian after the Rosetta Stone which was found Francois Champollion before two hundred years, as I wrote in both hieroglyphic and hieratic At the bottom is says it will be completed in Greek, a language that carry the Rosetta Stone. "However, he pointed to the lack found on the motherboard that holds the parallel text in Greek.
The Egyptian mission began last year, exploration in the quarries of archaeological ordered them on the temple at a depth of five meters below the surface of the earth, and found inside on impact, which is a panel to establish the temple, broken on the floor, and was restored, and found beside a statue of limestone, up 20 cm to the gods of beauty when the Greek Venus with no head and wearing a robe and a necklace on the chest as well as a human statue of black basalt length of 10 cm.
The soldiers of Napoleon Bonaparte during his campaign against Egypt in 1799 had found on the Rosetta Stone, a piece of black basalt dating back to around 210-181 BC, with inscriptions in hieroglyphs, demotic and Greek and was used by the French Orientalist Jean-Francois Champollion (1790-1832) to decode writing hieroglyphics. The stone is now in the British Museum, and failed efforts to restore Egypt.
Source: IRIN
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