Archaeological discovery at Saqqara

Archaeological discovery at Saqqara

Egyptian mission found in Saqqara, 30 km south of Cairo on the coffin or a priest who continued reverence of King Menkaure, builder of the third pyramid at Giza, after his death two thousand years.

The Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Zahi Hawass Tuesday to reporters that the mission of the University of Cairo, found the coffin or priest of King Menkaure and a number of graves dating back to the family 27 and other effects belonging to earlier times in the well buried cemetery vesiculae a group dating to the era of the family 19 of any to about 1300 years BC.
He said that the mission found the sarcophagus of this huge, which dates back to Mrs. Sekhmet alienated from family 27 (525-405 BC), which shows that great-grandfather, is the chief doctor Luga Poplar recent years.
He explained the senses that the importance of this discovery he proved to sanctification, which was addressed to King Menkaure of the Fifth Dynasty (2494 BC) in the eras Sawi, Persian (656-525 BC) as the title of her son is a priest of King Menkaure and this confirms this vision.
For its part, said Chief of Mission former Dean of the Faculty of Archeology at the University of Cairo Ola Ajeezy that the mission found the sarcophagus in the beta release a group well buried at a depth of 12 meters and we have identified age coffin by finding the stone lamp by text written in Demotic.
The edge of the burial well two and a meter wide and a half and several burial grounds at depths starting from different depth of 7 meters and a half and will end at a depth of approximately 30 meters.
It contains the well at several holes in different directions indicate burials has been found that the cemetery that was used in the era of family 19 had been used in subsequent ages.
Ajeezy considered that the most important artifacts were also found stone panels was a challenge hierarchical group of King Djoser (2687 - 2668 BC) of the Fifth Dynasty was re-used in building the walls of the well.
For his part, said team leader work in situ, assistant professor, Faculty of Antiquities at Cairo University, Ahmed Said was found on a number of openings Aalmnkorp in the rock to put the mummy inside, and found the mission on five holes dug in the rock includes several coffins were found in one of the lower half of the mummy .
He said he found the remains of a mass burial grounds suggest that the tombs have also been used in modern Greek and Roman times, spreading the idea of mass burials.
Found in the cemetery is also on a number of small-scale statues statuette, which was established by the ancient pharaohs with the deceased for their service to you in the other world.
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